My simple Morning Routine: How I Start my Day Right

I am a night person, however, I really enjoy mornings. There is just something about the new day, renewed energy, the sunrise, and the cold crisp air that is refreshing. However, that does not change the fact that mornings can be chaotic; especially if you have somewhere to go or something to do. Time in the morning seems to be moving faster than normal and you have to do everything faster to keep up.

Coming up with a routine is really important and helpful. It will make you organized and when it becomes a habit, you will find yourself doing everything you are supposed to subconsciously because your mind is already used to it. That is really helpful for those ‘chaotic’ mornings. 

I find that people often perceive a morning routine as something too rigid and cast on stone but a routine can simply be just the things you do on a daily basis just organized to reduce chaos. The activity does not need to have a specific time attached to it. It can be as simple as this:

  • Getting up: you obviously cannot get on with your morning routine if you don’t get up. I know it can be challenging but do what it takes. Set an alarm or get someone to wake you up. All I can say about this is that if you form a good habit of waking up when the first alarm goes off then it will solve a lot of your problems.
  • Freshen up: by freshening up I mean brushing my teeth and rinsing my face. This just helps me to wake up and be completely alert. Also, morning breath is nasty, we all know that you want to get rid of that first thing in the morning.
  • Make the bed: immediately after that, I make my bed. Emphasis on the word immediately. This can easily be a chore and one can easily procrastinate this small task. I kinda ‘force’ myself to start doing it and the rest of the process is not as bad since you’re already doing it. The good thing about this is that it takes just a few minutes and you’re done. In addition, by just making your bed, you can make your room much neater, reducing the chaos.
  • Meditation and prayer: after that, I like taking a few minutes to say grace. I know some people prefer doing this immediately after they get up and that is fine but I prefer it this way because by then I am fully awake and refreshed.
  • Shower: before I hop in the shower, I pick an outfit. Also, this is where I do skincare which is a really important step. Find my skincare routine here.
  • Breakfast: By now, I am practically ready, my room is neat and I’m ready for food. For me, breakfast is essential because I would not want to start my day on an empty stomach after not eating anything for more than seven hours when I was sleeping.

That’s it. That is my little morning routine. I don’t have a specific time for each of the activities which means whatever time I get up, wherever I am, this is what I will do because it’s a habit at this point. 

I know people have different things to add to their routines. There are some people who cannot do without coffee first thing in the morning, some who work out in the morning, and so on. The key word is order so you can customize your own routine to your liking and forget chaotic mornings.


By Tori

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